Xenforo Türkçe karakter sorunu


♥ Evli Mutlu Çocuklu ♥
Xenforo Türkçe karakter sorunu
Xenforo türkçe karakter sorununu nasıl halledebilirim ? Xenforo Ç Ö Ü Ş gibi harflerin görünmemesini nasıl sağlarım?

Merhabalar değerli arkadaşlarım. Türkiye'nin en büyük kadın sitelerinden birisi olarak vbullettin forum bölümünü biliyorsunuz xenforo olarak yeniden convert ettik ve kullanmaya başladık. Çokta hoşumuza gittiğini söyleyebiliriz.

Şimdi konu açtığınızda içerisinde türkçe harfler var ise hem link garip çıkıyor hemde linki bir yerde paylaştığınız zaman yüzde işaretlerine benzer bir takım şekiller çıkıyor. Bunun seo yada google açısından öncelikle hiç bir şekilde sakınca taşımadığının altını çizmek istiyorum. Vbseo daki karakter url lerini;

LİBRARY>>>>XENFORO>>>>> link.php dosyasına entegre ederek bu sorundan kurtulabilmeniz mümkün olacaktır.

Xenforo 1.2.0 kararlı sürüm için kendimde editlediğim link.php dosyasının kod içeriği aynen aşağıdaki şekildeki gibidir. Sizlerde ilgili dosyayı açarak aşağıdaki kodların tamamını ilgili dosya içindeki kodları silerek yapıştırıp kayıt ederseniz sıkıntı olan karakterler düzelecektir.

Saygılar sunuyorum.




 * Helper methods to generate links to content. Links generated
 * by this are not necessarily HTML escaped. The calling code
 * should escape them for the output context they apply to.
 * @package XenForo_Core
class XenForo_Link
    * Stores a cache of handlers for prefixes. Many types of links will
    * be generated multiple times on a page, so this cache reduces the
    * amount of object creation/validation necessary.
    * @var array
    protected static $_handlerCache = array();

    * URL prefix to use when generating a canonical link.
    * @var string|null
    protected static $_canonicalLinkPrefix = null;

    * If true, uses friendly URLs that don't include index.php or a query string (unless required).
    * @var boolean
    protected static $_useFriendlyUrls = false;

    * If true, Romanize titles before outputting them in URLs.
    * @var boolean
    protected static $_romanizeTitles = false;

    protected static $_includeTitlesInUrls = true;

    protected static $_routeFiltersOut = array();

    * @var string
    protected static $_indexRoute = 'forums/';

    protected $_linkString = '';
    protected $_canPrependFull = true;

    * Constructor. Use the static methods in general. However, you can create
    * an object of this type from a link builder to generate an arbitrary URL.
    * @param string $linkString
    * @param boolean $canPrependFull True if the default full link prefix can be prepended to make a full URL
    public function __construct($linkString, $canPrependFull = true)
        $this->_linkString = $linkString;
        $this->_canPrependFull = $canPrependFull;

    * @return string Link
    public function __toString()
        return $this->_linkString;

    * @return boolean
    public function canPrependFull()
        return $this->_canPrependFull;

    * Builds a link to a public resource. The type should contain a prefix
    * optionally split by a "/" with the specific action (eg "templates/edit").
    * @param string $type Prefix and action
    * @param mixed $data Data that the prefix/action should be applied to, if applicable
    * @param array $extraParams Additional params
    * @return string The link
    public static function buildPublicLink($type, $data = null, array $extraParams = array(), $skipPrepend = false)
        $type = self::_checkForFullLink($type, $fullLink, $fullLinkPrefix);

        $link = self::_buildLink('public', $type, $data, $extraParams, $prefix);
        $queryString = self::buildQueryString($extraParams);

        if ($link instanceof XenForo_Link)
            $isRaw = true;
            $canPrependFull = $link->canPrependFull();
            $isRaw = false;
            $canPrependFull = true;

            if (strpos($link, '#') !== false)
                list($link, $hash) = explode('#', $link);

            if ($link == self::$_indexRoute)
                $link = '';
            else if (isset(self::$_routeFiltersOut[$prefix]))
                foreach (self::$_routeFiltersOut[$prefix] AS $filter)
                    list($from, $to) = self::translateRouteFilterToRegex(
                        $filter['find_route'], $filter['replace_route']

                    $newLink = preg_replace($from, $to, $link);
                    if ($newLink != $link)
                        $link = $newLink;

        if (self::$_useFriendlyUrls || $isRaw)
            $outputLink = ($queryString !== '' ? "$link?$queryString" : $link);
            if ($queryString !== '' && $link !== '')
                $append = "?$link&$queryString";
                // 1 or neither of these has content
                $append = $link . $queryString;
                if ($append !== '')
                    $append = "?$append";
            if ($skipPrepend)
                $outputLink = $append;
                $outputLink = 'index.php' .  $append;

        if ($fullLink && $canPrependFull)
            $outputLink = $fullLinkPrefix . $outputLink;

        // deal with a hash in the $type {xen:link prefix#hash..}
        if (($hashPos = strpos($type, '#')) !== false)
            $hash = substr($type, $hashPos + 1);

        if ($outputLink === '')
            $outputLink = '.';

        return $outputLink . (empty($hash) ? '' : '#' . $hash);

    * Builds a link to an admin resource. The type should contain a prefix
    * optionally split by a "/" with the specific action (eg "templates/edit").
    * @param string $type Prefix and action
    * @param mixed $data Data that the prefix/action should be applied to, if applicable
    * @param array $extraParams Additional params
    * @return string The link
    public static function buildAdminLink($type, $data = null, array $extraParams = array())
        $type = self::_checkForFullLink($type, $fullLink, $fullLinkPrefix);

        $link = self::_buildLink('admin', $type, $data, $extraParams);
        $queryString = self::buildQueryString($extraParams);

        if (strpos($link, '#') !== false)
            list($link, $hash) = explode('#', $link);

        if ($queryString !== '' && $link !== '')
            $append = $link . '&' . $queryString;
            // 1 or neither of these has content
            $append = $link . $queryString;

        // deal with a hash in the $type {xen:link prefix#hash..}
        if (($hashPos = strpos($type, '#')) !== false)
            $append .= substr($type, $hashPos + 1);

        $outputLink = 'admin.php' . ($append !== '' ? '?' : '') . $append;
        if ($fullLink)
            $outputLink = $fullLinkPrefix . $outputLink;

        return $outputLink . (empty($hash) ? '' : '#' . $hash);

    * Builds a link along the lines of <prefix>/<sub-component>/<data.id>/<action>.
    * @param array $subComponents List of sub-components that are valid as keys, with specific child keys (title, intId, stringId)
    * @param string $outputPrefix
    * @param string $action
    * @param string $extension
    * @param mixed $data
    * @return string|false String if sub-component matched with appropriate data, false otherwise
    public static function buildSubComponentLink(array $subComponents, $outputPrefix, $action, $extension, $data)
        $parts = explode('/', $action, 2);
        $subComponentName = strtolower($parts[0]);
        foreach ($subComponents AS $key => $subComponent)
            if ($key == $subComponentName)
                $action = (isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '');

                if (isset($subComponent['intId']))
                    $titleField = (isset($subComponent['title']) ? $subComponent['title'] : '');
                    return self::buildBasicLinkWithIntegerParam("$outputPrefix/$parts[0]", $action, $extension, $data, $subComponent['intId'], $titleField);
                else if (isset($subComponent['stringId']))
                    return self::buildBasicLinkWithStringParam("$outputPrefix/$parts[0]", $action, $extension, $data, $subComponent['stringId']);
                    return false;

        return false;

    * Check to see if a full link is requested.
    * @param string $type Link type
    * @param boolean $fullLink Modified by ref. Returns whether a full link is requested.
    * @param string $fullLinkPrefix If a full link is requested, the prefix to use
    * @return string Link type, with full link param stripped off if necessary
    protected static function _checkForFullLink($type, &$fullLink, &$fullLinkPrefix)
        if (!$type)
            $fullLink = false;
            $fullLinkPrefix = '';
            return $type;

        if ($type[0] == 'c' && substr($type, 0, 10) == 'canonical:')
            $type = substr($type, 10);
            $fullLink = true;
            $fullLinkPrefix = self::getCanonicalLinkPrefix() . '/';
        else if ($type[0] == 'f' && substr($type, 0, 5) == 'full:')
            $type = substr($type, 5);
            $fullLink = true;

            $paths = XenForo_Application::get('requestPaths');
            $fullLinkPrefix = $paths['fullBasePath'];
            $fullLink = false;
            $fullLinkPrefix = '';

        return $type;

    * Internal link builder.
    * @param string $group Type of link being built (admin or public)
    * @param string $type Type of data the link is for (prefix and action)
    * @param mixed $data
    * @param array $extraParams
    * @param string|null $prefix The prefix found
    * @return string
    protected static function _buildLink($group, $type, $data, array &$extraParams, &$prefix = null)
        if (isset($extraParams['_params']) && is_array($extraParams['_params']))
            $params = $extraParams['_params'];

            $extraParams = array_merge($params, $extraParams);

        $extension = '';
        if (($dotPos = strrpos($type, '.')) !== false)
            $extension = substr($type, $dotPos + 1);
            $type = substr($type, 0, $dotPos);

        if (($hashPos = strpos($type, '#')) !== false)
            $type = substr($type, 0, $hashPos);

        if (($slashPos = strpos($type, '/')) !== false)
            list($prefix, $action) = explode('/', $type, 2);

            if ($action == 'index')
                $action = '';
            $prefix = $type;
            $action = '';

        $handler = self::_getPrefixHandler($group, $prefix, (boolean)$data);
        if ($handler === false)
            $link = false;
            $link = $handler->buildLink($prefix, $prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $extraParams);

        if ($link === false || $link === null)
            return self::buildBasicLink($prefix, $action, $extension);
            return $link;

    * Gets the object that should handle building the link for this prefix.
    * May also return false if only the standard behavior is desired.
    * @param string $group Type of link (public or admin)
    * @param string $originalPrefix Prefix to build the link for (should be the "original prefix" in the DB)
    * @param boolean $haveData Whether we have a data element
    * @return object|false Object with "buildLink" method or false
    protected static function _getPrefixHandler($group, $originalPrefix, $haveData)
        if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group]))
            self::$_handlerCache[$group] = self::_loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group);

        if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group][$originalPrefix]))
            return false;

        $info =& self::$_handlerCache[$group][$originalPrefix];

        if ($haveData)
            if (!isset($info['handlerWithData']))
                $info['handlerWithData'] = self::_loadPrefixHandlerClass($info, true);
            return $info['handlerWithData'];
            if (!isset($info['handlerNoData']))
                $info['handlerNoData'] = self::_loadPrefixHandlerClass($info, false);
            return $info['handlerNoData'];

    * Load the prefix link build handler class based on current settings.
    * @param array $info Info about how to build this link (includes build_link, route_class keys)
    * @param boolean $haveData True if we have a data param for this link
    * @return object|false Object with "buildLink" method or false
    protected static function _loadPrefixHandlerClass(array $info, $haveData)
        if ($info['build_link'] == 'none' || ($info['build_link'] == 'data_only' && !$haveData))
            // never build or only build when we have data (and we don't now)
            return false;

        if ($info['build_link'] == 'all')
            // always build - check for a previous call
            if (isset($info['handlerWithData']))
                return $info['handlerWithData'];
            else if (isset($info['handlerNoData']))
                return $info['handlerNoData'];

        // ...otherwise load the class we need

        $class = XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass($info['route_class'], 'route_prefix');
        if (!$class)
            return false;

        $handler = new $class();
        if (!method_exists($handler, 'buildLink'))
            return false;

        return $handler;

    * Loads all the link build handler data for an entire group of prefixes.
    * @param string $group Type of prefix (public or admin)
    * @return array Keys are "original prefixes" and values are info about output prefix/class/build settings
    protected static function _loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group)
        return XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_RoutePrefix')->getPrefixesForRouteCache($group);

    * Gets the name of the specified prefix handler class.
    * @param string $group
    * @param string $prefix
    * @return string|false
    public static function getPrefixHandlerClassName($group, $prefix)
        if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group]))
            self::$_handlerCache[$group] = self::_loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group);

        if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group][$prefix]))
            return false;

        return self::$_handlerCache[$group][$prefix]['route_class'];

    * Examines action and extra parameters from a link build call and formulates
    * a page number link parameter if applicable.
    * @param string $action
    * @param array $params
    * @return string $action
    public static function getPageNumberAsAction($action, array &$params)
        if (isset($params['page']))
            if (strval($params['page']) !== XenForo_Application::$integerSentinel && $params['page'] <= 1)
            else if (!$action)
                if ($params['page'] != XenForo_Application::$integerSentinel)
                    $params['page'] = intval($params['page']);

                $action = "page-$params[page]";


        return $action;

    * Helper to manually set handler info for a group. Keys should be "original prefixes"
    * and values should be arrays with keys matching the xf_route_prefix table.
    * @param string $group Type of prefix to handle (public or admin)
    * @param array $info Info to set
    public static function setHandlerInfoForGroup($group, array $info)
        self::$_handlerCache[$group] = $info;

    * Gets the handler info for the group of prefixes.
    * @param string $group
    * @return array
    public static function getHandlerInfoForGroup($group)
        if (!isset(self::$_handlerCache[$group]))
            self::$_handlerCache[$group] = self::_loadHandlerInfoForGroup($group);

        return self::$_handlerCache[$group];

    * Resets the handlers for all groups or for a particular group. Mainly used for testing.
    * @param string|false $group If false, resets all handlers; otherwise, resets the specified handler group
    public static function resetHandlerInfo($group = false)
        if ($group === false)
            self::$_handlerCache = array();

    * Builds a basic link: a prefix and action only.
    * @param string $prefix
    * @param string $action
    * @param string $extension
    * @return string
    public static function buildBasicLink($prefix, $action, $extension = '')
        if ($extension)
            self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);

        if ($prefix === 'index' && $action === '')
            return '';
            return "$prefix/$action$extension";

    * Prepares the link extension and action, if necessary. If an extension is specified,
    * the provided value will be prefixed with a ".". If there is an extension and there's
    * no action, an explicit "index" action will be specified.
    * @param string $extension Initially, the extension to the link specified; prefixed with "." if necessary
    * @param string $action The link action; modified if necessary
    public static function prepareExtensionAndAction(&$extension, &$action, $prepareAction = true)
        if ($extension)
            $extension = '.' . $extension;
            if ($action === '')
                $action = 'index';

    * Builds a basic link for a request that may have an integer param.
    * Output will be in the format [prefix]/[title].[int]/[action]/ or similar,
    * based on whether the correct values in data are set.
    * @param string $prefix Link prefix
    * @param string $action Link action
    * @param string $extension Link extension (for content type)
    * @param mixed $data Specific data to link to. If available, an array or an object that implements ArrayAccess
    * @param string $intField The name of the field that holds the integer identifier
    * @param string $titleField If there is a title field, the name of the field that holds the title
    * @return false|string False if no data is provided, the link otherwise
    public static function buildBasicLinkWithIntegerParam($prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $intField, $titleField = '')
        if ((is_array($data) || $data instanceof ArrayAccess) && isset($data[$intField]))
            self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);

            $title = (($titleField && !empty($data[$titleField])) ? $data[$titleField] : '');
            return "$prefix/" . self::buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($data[$intField], $title) . "/$action$extension";
            return false;

    * Builds a basic link for a request that may have a string param.
    * Output will be in the format [prefix]/[param]/[action].
    * Note that it is expected that the string param is already clean enough
    * to be inserted into the link.
    * @param string $prefix Link prefix
    * @param string $action Link action
    * @param string $extension Link extension (for content type)
    * @param mixed $data Specific data to link to. If available, an array or an object that implements ArrayAccess, or a simple string to be used directly
    * @param string $strField The name of the field that holds the string identifier
    * @return false|string False if no data is provided, the link otherwise
    public static function buildBasicLinkWithStringParam($prefix, $action, $extension, $data, $strField)
        if ($data)
            self::prepareExtensionAndAction($extension, $action);

            if ((is_array($data) || $data instanceof ArrayAccess)
                && isset($data[$strField])
                && $data[$strField] !== '')
                return "$prefix/" . $data[$strField] . "/$action$extension";
            else if (is_string($data))
                return "$prefix/$data/$action$extension";

        return false;

    * Builds the URL component for an integer and title. Outputs <int> or <int>-<title>.
    * @param integer $integer
    * @param string $title
    * @param boolean|null $romanize If true, non-latin strings are romanized. If null, use default setup
    * @return string
    public static function buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($integer, $title = '', $romanize = null)
        if ($title && self::$_includeTitlesInUrls)
            if ($romanize === null)
                $romanize = self::$_romanizeTitles;
            $title = self::getTitleForUrl($title, $romanize);
            if ($title !== '')
                # /item-title.id/ (where delimiter is '.')
                return urlencode($title) . XenForo_Application::URL_ID_DELIMITER . intval($integer);

        return intval($integer);

    * Cache for getting prepped/Romanized titles for URLs
    * @var array
    protected static $_titleCache = array();

    * Gets version of a title that is valid in a URL. Invalid elements are stripped
    * or replaced with '-'. It may not be possible to reverse a URL'd title to the
    * original title.
    * @param string $title
    * @param boolean $romanize If true, non-latin strings are romanized
    * @return string
    public static function getTitleForUrl($title, $romanize = false)
        $title = strval($title);
        $lookup = $title . ($romanize ? '|r' : '');

        if (isset(self::$_titleCache[$lookup]))
            return self::$_titleCache[$lookup];
        if ($romanize)
            $title = utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent($title));

        $title = strtr(
            '`!"$%^&*()-+={}[]<>;:@#~,./?|' . "\r\n\t\\",
            '                             ' . '    '
        $title = strtr($title, array(
        '"' => '',
        "'" => '',
        "Ö" => "o",
        "ö" => "o",
        "C" => "c",
        "c" => "c",
        "Ğ" => "g",
        "ğ" => "g",
        "Ş" => "s",
        "ş" => "s",
        "Ü" => "u",
        "ü" => "u",
        "İ" => "i",
        "ı" => "i",
        "Ç" => "c",
        "ç" => "c",
        "é" => "i",
        "â" => "a",
        "Ê" => "e",
        "Â" => "a",
        "?" => "_",
        "*" => "_",
        "." => "_",
        "," => "_",
        ";" => "_",
        ")" => "_",
        "(" => "_",
        "{" => "_",
        "}" => "_",
        "[" => "_",
        "]" => "_",
        "!" => "_",
        "+" => "_",
        "%" => "_",
        "&" => "_",
        "#" => "_",
        "$" => "_",
        "=" => "_",
        "ê" => "e",
        "." => "-"

        if ($romanize)
            $title = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/', '', $title);

        $title = preg_replace('/[ ]+/', '-', trim($title));
        $title = strtr($title, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');

        self::$_titleCache[$lookup] = $title;

        return $title;

    * Builds a query string from an array of items. Keys of the array will become
    * names of items in the query string. Nested arrays are supported.
    * @param array $elements Elements to build the query string from
    * @param string $prefix For nested arrays, specifies the base context we're in.
    *         Leave default unless wanting all elements inside an array.
    * @return string
    public static function buildQueryString(array $elements, $prefix = '')
        $output = array();

        foreach ($elements AS $name => $value)
            if (is_array($value))
                if (!$value)

                $encodedName = ($prefix ? $prefix . '[' . urlencode($name) . ']' : urlencode($name));
                $childOutput = self::buildQueryString($value, $encodedName);
                if ($childOutput !== '')
                    $output[] = $childOutput;
                if ($value === null || $value === false || $value === '')

                $value = strval($value);

                if ($prefix)
                    // part of an array
                    $output[] = $prefix . '[' . urlencode($name) . ']=' . urlencode($value);
                    $output[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);

        return implode('&', $output);

    * Set the prefix for links that are generated as canonical links.
    * @param string $linkPrefix
    public static function setCanonicalLinkPrefix($linkPrefix)
        self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix = self::convertUriToAbsoluteUri($linkPrefix, true);

    * Gets the canonical link prefix to use for generating canonical links.
    * @return string
    public static function getCanonicalLinkPrefix()
        if (self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix === null)
            self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix = self::convertUriToAbsoluteUri(
                rtrim(XenForo_Application::get('options')->boardUrl, '/'),

        return self::$_canonicalLinkPrefix;

    * Sets whether friendly URLs should be used for generating links.
    * @param boolean $value
    public static function useFriendlyUrls($value)
        self::$_useFriendlyUrls = $value;

    * Sets whether friendly titles should be romanized in links.
    * @param boolean $value
    public static function romanizeTitles($value)
        self::$_romanizeTitles = $value;

    * Sets whether titles will be included in URLs
    * @param boolean $value
    public static function includeTitlesInUrls($value)
        self::$_includeTitlesInUrls = $value;

    * Sets whether titles will be included in URLs
    * @param array $value
    public static function setRouteFiltersOut(array $value)
        self::$_routeFiltersOut = $value;

    * Sets the index route
    * @param $value
    public static function setIndexRoute($value)
        self::$_indexRoute = $value;

    * @return string
    public static function getIndexRoute()
        return self::$_indexRoute;

    * Converts what may be a relative link into an absolute URI.
    * @param string $uri URI to convert
    * @param boolean $includeHost If true, includes host, port, and protocol
    * @param array|null $paths Paths to override (uses application level if not provided)
    * @return string
    public static function convertUriToAbsoluteUri($uri, $includeHost = false, array $paths = null)
        if (!$paths)
            $paths = XenForo_Application::get('requestPaths');

        if ($uri == '.')
            $uri = ''; // current directory

        if (substr($uri, 0, 2) == '//')
            return $paths['protocol'] . ':' . $uri;
        else if (substr($uri, 0, 1) == '/')
            if ($includeHost)
                return $paths['protocol'] . '://' . $paths['host'] . $uri;
                return $uri;
        else if (preg_match('#^[a-z0-9-]+://#i', $uri))
            return $uri;
        else if ($includeHost)
            return $paths['fullBasePath'] . $uri;
            return $paths['basePath'] . $uri;

    public static function translateRouteFilterToRegex($from, $to)
        $to = strtr($to, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$'));

        $findReplacements = array();
        $replacementChr = chr(26);

        preg_match_all('/\{([a-z0-9_]+)(:([^}]+))?\}/i', $from, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        foreach ($matches AS $i => $match)
            $placeholder = $replacementChr . $i . $replacementChr;

            if (!empty($match[3]))
                switch ($match[3])
                    case 'digit': $replace = '(\d+)'; break;
                    case 'string': $replace = '([^/.]+)'; break;
                    default: $replace = '([^/]*)';
                $replace = '([^/]*)';

            $findReplacements[$placeholder] = $replace;

            $from = str_replace($match[0], $placeholder, $from);
            $to = str_replace($match[0], '$' . ($i + 1), $to);

        $from = preg_quote($from, '#');
        foreach ($findReplacements AS $findPlaceholder => $findReplacement)
            $from = str_replace($findPlaceholder, $findReplacement, $from);

        return array('#^' . $from . '#', $to);
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